Exertional headache is also called activity-related headache. They are brought on by strenuous physical exercise and can be triggered by: running, jumping, weight lifting, sexual intercourse, bouts of coughing or sneezing

Causes: Increased blood pressure in the blood vessels of brain which is called venous pressure, poor diet, low blood sugar, heat & humidity,high altitudes exercises/activities

Symptoms: Headache usually pops up at the height of exercise and typically fades when the exercise stops, throbbing pain felt throughout the head and are more common in those with a family history of migraine, nausea & vomiting, sensitivity to light & noise.

These headaches are usually very short-lived but can sometimes last up to 2 days.

Treatment: Most attacks can be treated with OTC painkillers. Taking a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) or a beta-blocker before exertion can help prevent the headaches, as can warm-up exercises. Hydration (8 glasses water) when exercising outdoor in hot & humid weather

Reference : Americanmigrainefoundation.org

By: Rajni Bala NP