Insomnia causes Migraines and can be a symptom of anxiety, depression, stress and pain

Insomnia is a type of sleep disorder that is categorized by having difficulties falling asleep and/or difficulties staying asleep. There are two types of insomnia: primary and secondary insomnia. Primary insomnia occurs when a person is having sleep difficulties that are not related to any other medical condition. Secondary insomnia occurs because the person is having sleep difficulties due to something else. The ‘something else’ could be a medical problem, medication side effect, or a substance such as alcohol. Determining which type of insomnia will help determine how to treat your sleep difficulty.
There is also a difference between acute insomnia and chronic insomnia. Causes of acute insomnia may include stressors such as: illnesses, emotional or physical discomfort, significant life stressors (ex: job loss or change, marriage, divorce, death of a loved one), certain medications, environmental factors such as noise/light/extreme temperatures, and interference in normal sleep schedule (jet lag, switching to a new shift at work, new puppy). Causes of chronic insomnia may include: depression, anxiety, chronic stress, or pain and discomfort at night. Again, knowing which type of insomnia is presenting will help to determine how to treat your sleep difficulty. Also, insomnia may be the culprit behind those painful migraines.
Acute insomnia may not need treatment. Mild insomnia may be able to be treated by promoting good sleep habits, also known as positive sleep hygiene. This includes trying to go to sleep at the same time every night and not taking naps during the day. This also includes avoiding phones or e-books in bed due to the screen light that is output. Try to make your bedroom an intimate sleep zone only, which will produce relaxation in that environment. Chronic insomnia treatment begins with treating the underlying cause. If the insomnia continues certain behavioral techniques are often employed to help. These may include relaxation exercises, sleep restriction therapy, and behavioral reconditioning. If your insomnia is making it hard for you to function during the day due to excessive tiredness there are certain medications that can be tried. Certain types should only be used for a short duration in conjunction with positive sleep hygiene to train your body how to best improve ways to sleep.
If you are suffering from chronic insomnia don’t wait any longer and call us at The Manhattan Center for Headache and Neurology. We will put you on the right track so that you can finally get a good night’s sleep regularly!