Does that special someone in your life suffer from migraines? Looking for gift ideas that won’t trigger them? Follow this list of do’s and don’ts…
Gifts worth giving:
1. Chocolate, preferably dark chocolate, and preferably in small to moderate amounts – chocolate contains many chemicals that promote general health, and may even help stave off a migraine.
2. Fragrance free beauty or bath products – we all want beautiful skin, or a nice bubble bath. Try these products if your special someone is sensitive to smells.
3. Unscented candles – these can be beautiful without the potential hidden migraine trigger.
4. Herbal Tea (caffeine free) – many can help relieve migraines and promote good digestion and / or relaxation. Often, you can find a gift set with some nice boxes or mugs too.
5. Massage – definitely can promote relaxation, but some migraine sufferers cannot be massaged during a migraine, so best used in between attacks to promote stress reduction.
6. Hot or cold packs – some have very luxurious features, made to form around the neck or head, to promote relief from headaches or neck pain.
7. Eye covers to keep the bright light out and enhance sleep, and some ear plugs too.
8. Sunglasses w/ FL-41 tint – may help to reduce the type of UV light that is most likely to trigger or aggravate migraines.
9. Instructional DVDs for meditation and relaxation – these types of DVDs can go a long way in promoting general well being and stress reduction, as well as sometimes helping actually abort an acute migraine attack.
10. Love, Hugs, and Kisses – well, enough said.
Gifts to avoid:
1. Perfume – odors, even one’s that seem pleasant to most, can be very irritating, and even trigger a migraine.
2. Flowers – both allergies to flowers and their scents can be detrimental to migraineurs.
3. Food gifts containing cheeses, sausages, nuts – all are foods that may potentially trigger migraines.
4. Champagne and red wine – although alcohol in general can trigger migraines, these may be the worst offenders. If you absolutely need to go there, opt for lighter colored wines and liquors.
5. Scented candles – these can be beautiful without the possible harm.