June is Migraine and Headache Awareness month!
If you are looking for ways to get involved you can start by spreading the word about the impact of headache on daily life. By doing this, you help to change the stigma around migraine.
You can go to the American Migraine Foundation website and sign the “Move Against Migraine” pledge which is an initiative for migraine patient advocacy.
The American Migraine Foundation has several social media related initiatives during the month of June. They are encouraging patients and patient advocates to follow them on social media including Reddit, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter and use the hashtag #moveagainstmigraine on social media when talking about migraine. They are also hosting a twitter chat with the Executive Director Nim Lalvani on Monday, June 21 at 3 PM EST.
You can even get involved on a national level by attending the yearly advocacy event called “Headache on the Hill” which a 2-day event in Washington D.C. where patients, headache specialists, and patient advocates meet with Congressional representatives to raise awareness. This year, you can register for “Walk/Run/Relax” which is a virtual fundraiser where you complete a walk, run, or simple relaxation time on your own during the first week of June. You can register on for this on www.raceroster.com
By: Brooke Steiger, NP