Occipital Neuralgia is a condition where the occipital nerves (the nerves that run through the back of the scalp) are irritated. This nerve irritation is commonly the result of head and neck injuries, pinched nerves or muscle tightness in the neck. The nerve irritation results in pain in the upper neck, back of the head and scalp. This pain is characterized by a sharp, shooting pain that is often triggered by things like turning your head or pushing on the affected area.
Migraine and occipital neuralgia are very similar, overlapping conditions. Many times both conditions are present at the same time and it’s not easy to tell what is causing what. Occipital neuralgia is also often misdiagnosed as migraine. If the pain is not accompanied by typical migraine symptoms like nausea, sound sensitivyt or light sensitivity, it is likely occipital neuralgia.
There are many treatment options for occipital neuralgia. Treatments as simple as maintaining a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, stretching, and yoga can be effective.
Additional treatment options include occipital nerve blocks, neck injections or daily preventive medication. There are also neuromodulation devices, which stimulate or interrupt nerve
impulses and can improve the symptoms.
See a provider like us at the Manhattan Center, we can helped confirma neurological diagnosis like occipital neuralgia and review the right treatment options for you.
Caroline Pruski, NP
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