Cervicogenic headache is a result of referred pain from the neck (cervical spine) that is perceived in the head in the form of a headache. Referred pain is when pain occurs in a part of the body other than its true source. Cervicogenic headache is caused by an abnormality of the cervical spine such as tumors, fractures, infections and arthritis.
Cervicogenic headache generally presents as a one sided headache with pain that radiates from the neck through the head, up to the front of the head/behind the eye. Additional symptoms include reduced range of motion of the neck and a worsening headache with certain neck movements or pressure applied to certain spots of the neck.
Suspicious of Cervicogenic headache? Come see us at The Manhattan Center for Headache & Neurology where we can properly assess and treat you! People with possible cervicogenic headache should be carefully assessed by a physician to exclude other causes of headaches. Treatment includes nerve blocks, medications, physical therapy and exercise.
Caroline Pruski, NP
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