A retinal migraine is a rare type of migraine that involves an aura. Unlike most migraines with aura, a retinal migraine affects vision in one eye only. When a headache causes you to temporarily lose vision in one eye, it is a Retinal Migraine. The headache will also occur at the same time or within an hour of the vision problems.
Retinal migraines happen when a blood vessel in the eye spasms, causing a reduction in the blood flow to the eye. As the blood vessel relaxes and blood flow returns to normal, the symptoms usually disappear, and the vision comes back.
Emotional stress, tension, and being overtired, too much caffeine or caffeine withdrawal, bright lights or loud noises, changes in sleep patterns, hormonal changes in women, medications that lead to swelling in blood vessels, excessive or regular use of pain relievers for headaches, not eating or drinking enough, individuals with a personal or family history of migraines, retinal migraines also affect women more often than men.
A retinal migraine involves repeated attacks of certain visual disturbances, which usually happen before the headache phase of the migraine.
Symptoms: flashing, sparkling, or twinkling lights, a blind spot or partial loss of vision, temporary blindness
Migraine headaches may be: pulsing or throbbing, moderate to severe in pain intensity, susceptibility to exacerbation by activities, such as walking or climbing stairs
A migraine headache may also cause: nausea and vomiting, increased sensitivity to light, increased intolerance to sound.
To learn more about retinal migraines contact MCHN and speak to one of our caring providers!
By: Rajni Bala NP