Tremor, defined as involuntary, rhythmic movement of a body part. It is one of the common of all movement disorders. It can be caused by alternating or synchronous contractions of different muscle groups. Tremor can vary from patient to patient; and is classified by clinical characteristics such as body distribution, tremor frequency or if it occurs at rest versus with movement. Tremor can also be classified based on associated neurologic and systemic signs. Etiologies include specific neurologic disorders, toxins, vitamin deficiency or toxicity, and adverse reactions to medication. Tremor can be genetic or acquired. Examples of common tremor syndromes include Physiologic Tremor, Essential Tremor, Orthostatic Tremor. Furthermore, a detailed neurologic examination is important to identify specific features of Parkinson’s disease, Dystonia or Guillain-Barré syndrome. The Manhattan Center for Headache and Neurology has competent providers for further evaluation and potential treatment options.

By: Jordan Shankle, PA